Steven Tong

Professor Steven YC Tong PhD, FRACP, MBBS (Hons), Grad Dip Epidemiol Biostats, Infectious Diseases Physician with the Victorian Infectious Diseases Service.

Professor Steven Tong is an infectious diseases physician with the Victorian Infectious Diseases Service. He spent 10 years in Darwin before moving to Melbourne to join the Doherty Institute in 2016. His research interests include skin pathogens (Staphylococcus aureus, Group A Streptococcus), hospital infections, Indigenous health, viral hepatitis and influenza. His passion is to apply cutting edge science to address clinically driven questions.

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Meet the SNAP Team

Chief Investigators

Meet the SNAP Team
Asha Bowen

Paediatric ID clinician, clinical trialist

Vi Nguyen

Biobank Coordinator

Dafna Yahav

ID clinician, clinical trialist, Israel based

Dana de Kretser

Clinical Trials Manager, United Kingdom